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Dear Teacher,

Do you believe that education is crucial for nurturing environmentally conscious citizens and inspiring them to create positive change?President Sheikh Mohamed recently announced that the Year of Sustainability will extend into 2024, underscoring the nation's ongoing commitment to preserving the environment for future generations.

We're here to support you with our expertise, enthusiasm, and a variety of educational programs, including environmental field trips, sustainability workshops, and training sessions.

Explore how our programs can complement your curriculum. Click the link to learn more about our Dubai-based offerings.




Understanding the complexity of climate science is hard, but this workshop turns climate science into a game in which students get complete picture of the phenomenon of climate change by building cause-and-effect relationships.

Most importantly, the game allows us to see the role of humans in climate change, as well as to think about how we – humans can also solve them.

The workshop was used at the 16th UN Youth Conference on Climate Change (COY16) as well as at the COP26 in Glasgow, UK and COP28 in Dubai.

The UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment hosted Climate Fresk workshop for over 1100 students and achieved two Guinness World Records: the largest climate change awareness lesson and having the highest number of nationalities attending such a lesson.



Field trips bridge the gap between theory and practice. They allow students to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world scenarios. Here are just a few places Eedama Team would love to take your students.




This is an opportunity for students to embark on an educational adventure to a state-of-the-art recycling facility. During this trip students will get an up-close look at how recycling processes work from the collection of materials to their transformation into new products. They will gain valuable insights into the vital role recycling plays in conserving our environment and reducing waste. Field Trip includes insightful and engaging talk with experts, interactive facility tour, hands on workshops.

                                                        💰Cost:80 AED per student
                                                        ⏱️Duration:2 hours to 2.5 hours
                                                        📹Video reference: This is Farz



Aventura is set on 35,000 square meters of Ghaf tree forest, the national tree of the UAE and a symbol of conservation and preservation.

It is unique and engaging platform for students to learn about environmental conservation, biodiversity, and ecological sustainability. The program is fully hands-on and allow students to interact with the natural world, raising awareness about the importance of protecting natural resources and ecosystems.  

All activities are designed for students to connect with nature and appreciate its value.

📌Location: Dubai
💰Cost: 160 AED per student (includes sustainability workshop and zip-line adventure course)
⏱️Duration: 4 hours to 4.5 hours
📹Video reference: Sustainability with nature




Engaging and interactive tour of Masdar City where students get exposed to sustainability first hand through new technology, traditional and modern passive design, renewable energy and much more. Riding driverless cars and buses as alternative means of transportation; Competing in a treasure hunt around the city; Conducting an environmental audit for the city on how it could be improved to become even more sustainable / sustainable design workshop (additional).

                                               📌Location: Abu-Dhabi
                                               💰Cost: Starting from 105 AED per students
                                               ⏱️Duration:3 hours
                                               📹Video Reference: This is Masdar City




Engaging and interactive farm tour where students get exposed to modern techniques in agriculture such as hydroponics and aquaponics. Students interact with the farm animals (animal feeding included). Various planting and harvesting workshops based on age and requirements.

📌Location: Abu-Dhabi
💰Cost: Starting from135 AED per person (breakfast included)
⏱️Duration: 3 hours
📹Video Reference: This is Gracia



Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve works to protect Dubai's last desert wilderness and its native plants and animals. It is the UAE’s first national park and part of Dubai's natural heritage.

Join us for the program where we learn through interactive tour and engaging workshops about desert ecosystem, flora&fauna conservation, and human-environment relationship.

                                                💰  Cost: 120 AED per student
                                                ⏱️   Duration: 3 hours
                                                📹   Video Reference: Here is DDCR



Desert cleanup field trip is a fantastic initiative that not only contributes to environmental conservation but also educates students about the importance of responsible waste management. This trip is a powerful learning experience that instils a sense of environmental responsibility and supports successful integration of UN SGD Goals.

                                      📌 Location: Dubai
                                      💰 Cost: 50 AED per student (educational workshop included)
                                      ⏱️ Duration: 2 hours


Looking forward to partnering with you in Term 3 and beyond.

Get it touch via email or simply call/what’s app +971551100656.


Mobile: +971 56 913 9024

Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Your Guide to Sustainability